Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 24th - Chemo #6

Another week of treatment has come and gone and the next one is two days away. Wow! The time is sure flying by quickly, and each week it seems to get crazier and crazier! I'll be honest there are times when I'm not sure whether I'm coming or going. Trying to keep up with teaching, being a mom and wife, and all the household chores etc, sometimes it's tough. But, as I've said before, we are thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives and we just take one day at a time. I know that's what we all do right? So very many people have stepped up to help out: my mom has been helping with cooking and cleaning, some friends have been contributing meals, and I have lots of friends that let me "vent" once in awhile when I'm in need of a shoulder to cry on. Thank you all!
Peyton had a bit more nausea this time around. He and Charlie had tickets to the Broncos/Colts game on Sunday but didn't get to stay long because Peyton started feeling sick. They ended up leaving in the 1st quarter. By the time we started heading for home Peyton was complaining of a stomachache and he was looking really pale. He threw up twice, but again the anti-nausea medicine is great and works super fast. A bit of medicine, and a good nap on the drive home, and he was all better. He complained Monday of a stomachache, but he still wanted to go to preschool. Thankfully it's manageable with the medicine. He never wants to miss preschool! He's great today! He's off at school and having a fabulous day I'm sure! He has 2 more Friday treatments before he gets 2 weeks off. I can't believe October is right around the corner. He'll have an MRI on October 29th. Not sure what to expect....I do wonder if the chemo will already have made the tumors shrink or if it's too early to notice any changes. ? Guess we'll find out....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 17th - Chemo Treatment #5

What a busy weekend! I think we are still recovering from a wonderful, but crazy weekend. We took Peyton for his chemo on Friday. He was very anxious about his treatment this week. He actually started worrying about it on Thursday and saying he didn't want to go. I knew it was going to be rough because of having the prior 2 weeks off. He was really nervous by the time we got to the hospital on Friday. He cried quite a bit and it took a few of us to hold his arms and legs still, but we got the IV going and then he was fine. The doctors are really patient and do a wonderful job of trying to make him comfortable. The numbing cream we put over the port helps him not to feel anything, but the feeling of pressure gets to him and makes him uneasy. I understand that! He then went and did some activities with other patients (kids) and played games with the Creative Arts therapist on duty. She's wonderful and the kids love her! As I've said Children's Hospital is the best! Landon usually hangs out in the playroom and enjoys all the toys and books.
Peyton did really great with treatment this week. No side effects! Yay!
The Rally 4 Peyton Benefit was on Saturday so we drove home after Peyton was finished with chemo. We were up bright and early Saturday morning for the 5K walk honoring Peyton. It was a beautiful day and lots of people came. Estimates have been between 200-240 walkers! That's amazing! Later that night there was a wonderful dinner and auction to wrap up the day. Not sure how many people were there; I'll post a count as soon as I hear. I can say this...there were ALOT of people and we all had a great time! What an awesome community this is! So many people worked hard to put the Benefit together and we are very thankful for that! We'll never forget that day.
I love you, Peyton Shay!