Friday, September 28, 2012

September 14th, 2012 - Chemotherapy Treatment # 63

This week our trip to Denver was very fast. Landon has started soccer and his games are early Saturday mornings. We don't want him to miss a game so we drove up to Denver very early Friday morning, Peyton had treatment, and then we drove back home that night. We were exhausted! Peyton slept most of the way home so that was good for him. If he hadn't felt so great there's no way we could have done that! It was late by the time we got home so everyone went right to bed. I don't like days like that, but at least we made it to soccer! Whew......sometimes I honestly feel like I live my life in fast forward! I'm not complaining....I love my crazy busy life!! It's just how I feel sometimes.

August 17th and 31st, 2012 -Chemotherapy Treatments 61 & 62

Peyton's treatments are fairly easy and uneventful lately. This is a wonderful new transition for us considering how rough the previous months have been for him. He breezes right through each treatment. Peyton and I have started school and he's loving kindergarten! He's so excited to be going to school all day instead of just 1/2 day like he did in preschool. I'm trying to get back into the work mode. After such a wonderful summer this is hard! It seems I have a great class though, so it makes it a bit easier. Landon is with a new sitter this year. She is a very nice lady and I think he's liking the chance to play with some kids his own age. (She watches 2 little girls that are both close to 3 years old.) Peyton did see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Turns out kids with NF often have a "shorter palate". Not sure what all that means just yet. I definitely want to do more research on this. To correct his speech issues Peyton will need a surgery. Again this is something that is on the table but we aren't feeling the need to rush into anything. We want to explore all our options and discuss this with more than one doctor. We have visited with his teachers and they can understand him on a very regular basis so I feel comfortable with that. I also want to consider doing this in the summer rather than having to miss school. He's doing so well I don't want to interrupt the progress he's making. We'll see. I'll keep everyone updated on any decisions we make.

August 3rd, 2012 - Chemotherapy Treatment # 60

Another week done for Peyton and it was easy! We are still excited that Peyton is doing so well since getting him off of one type of chemo. He continues to feel great and is looking forward to beginning kindergarten this year. How is it even possible that my sweet boy is starting school? I'm thrilled that he's ready but I know he's growing up and I'm just not sure I'm as ready for it all! lol On a different note....we have started talking to Peyton's doctors about our concerns with his speech. There are times when it is very difficult to understand what he's saying. His speech is often slurred and just unclear. We aren't sure what we should do. It's been a problem for ahwile but we are now noticing that it's becoming more prominent. Should we try and get him in to see a speech therapist? Is this something a speech therapist can assist us with? Later this month Peyton will see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to help us with these questions. Summer is wrapping up and we are going to try and just enjoy the last few days of break!

July 20th - Chemotherapy Treatment # 59

Today Peyton had a dentist appointment to fill the last of his cavities. He did so much better this time around. He saw a different dentist and she was really good! He didn't cry and we were in and out in about an hour. We then went up for chemotherapy. We once again shared with the oncologist how sick treatment has been making Peyton. She began making phone calls and came back with some wonderful news! Peyton can be taken off the chemo drug that's been making him so sick!! With just one chemo drug now, she said we should (hopefully) continue to expect the same results. We hope to see the tumors shrinking. This treatment ended up being a breeze for Peyton! By taking out that one treatment, he's no longer sick. What a relief......he felt so good that he didn't even need a medicine for nausea. We made it home without any adventures this week!