Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 2nd - Chemotherapy Treatment #44

December 2nd was Peyton's first MRI since starting this new chemotherapy in August. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be affecting the tumors at all. We were hoping for some shrinking by now. The oncologist told us we will be starting up with the carboplatin again. This was the first type of chemo that Peyton was on for a year. He will also continue with the new type. Doctors say that if neither type of drug works separately, and we know neither has, then often times they will work when used together. I guess we'll see....I have to trust them and know they do this everyday. I try and remain hopeful as always.....what else can I say? We are thankful there has been no growth with any of the tumors, so that's some positive news out of this. I just hope he can continue to be strong and healthy!