Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 10th - Treatment #49

Friday was a really long day for all of us. We started the day in the eye clinic for Peyton's routine eye exam. His vision is checked every 2-3 months. His last eye appointment was in November. Unfortunately this eye exam did not go well. Peyton really struggled to see out of his left eye. The vision in his left eye had decreased significantly. The right eye remained stable from last time. Neither eye is great, but at the November appointment the left eye was 20/200 and is now 20/400. That was enough to send us all into a panic mode! After that appointment we headed up to visit with the oncologist. Of course she was as concerned as the rest of us. Peyton went to play in another room while we visited. She explained that the path now is unclear. How do we continue with treatment when what we're doing doesn't seem to be working? What should we do next? Is his vision going to get continually worse? Is there anything we can do to prevent that from happening? Will he go completely blind? All these issues were discussed but no plan is in place yet. She explained there are some options left but can't guarantee any of them. (I won't discuss those in detail because no decisons have been made. If any of these options are decided upon I will share that.) He did get treatment before we left and the doctor assured us she will visit with other doctors and explore ways to handle this. It seems clear a new route has to be taken. I'm just worried some of the other options are more risky. That said, I don't want my sweet boy to go blind and that's a real concern for us right now.
His doctors do want us in Denver this next weekend. They said they can't guarantee treatment but we will visit with them and discuss the future treatment. Peyton will have an MRI and some other tests done on March 2nd. Then he'll have another eye exam 2 weeks after that. From here we pray even more and know that God has a plan and we are at his mercy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 27th - Chemotherapy Treatment #48

Peyton had treatment this week even though his counts were down. He hadn't felt himself all week; mostly tired and an overall lack of energy. As usual he didn't want to miss school, so he went each day, but did have to have some time down time and rest before joining the other kids again.
Near the end of treatment on Friday he did say he wasn't feeling too well. Fortunately, it wasn't anything too bad so we left after doctors observed him and determined he was ok to go home. The rest of the day Friday he didn't feel too good and then Saturday was more of the same. He complained of a stomach ache. We kept up with his medicine, but by late Saturday night he was throwing up and really feeling sick. Thankfully it didn't last long and there were no other symptoms, so after a change of bedding and clothes back to bed we all went. Sunday he woke up feeling really good! I was so happy! We had a play date scheduled with one of his friends from preschool so off we went. He's a tough kid for sure!! Wow!! Not much will keep him down for very long!