Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14th, 2013

Wow!  It sure has been awhile since I've updated.  I guess that means our life has returned to "semi-normal"....whatever that is!  Peyton had pharyngeal flap surgery on July 10th. It was a rough 3 weeks but we made it. He was very sore for the first week, and then very hungry the second week. He was on a liquid only diet for 2 weeks and then a soft foods diet for a week after that! He says he never wants to eat broth again!
I'm proud to say his speech is so much better now!  We are very thankful to have great doctors who first discussed this with us nearly a year ago!! Now here we are.  Peyton is amazed that so many people can understand him now.  It's been life-changing for him. 
He's very busy in 1st grade learning all sorts of new things!  He made the move from private school to public this year.  That of course was a transition, but I think he's adjusted now and we are in a good routine. 
So Peyton was supposed to start chemo again in August after he recovered from surgery, but the MRI in August showed Peyton's largest tumor decreasing ever so slightly.  This made the doctor want to wait 3 more months, without treatment, to see what the next MRI shows. We were so happy!!!  We returned home for yet 3 more months off!  (Peyton hasn't had a treatment since March!) We've enjoyed our weekends at home so much.  I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We will return on November 8th for the next MRI.  I must say my stomach is already in knots and I think about it daily.  I can't wait to hopefully get to a place where tumors, MRIs and neurofibromatosis don't consume my thoughts.....but that's the way it is for now. However, as I've said many times before, I'm so blessed to be his mom! I will not complain........we have a beautiful son that makes this world a much better place to be! He has taught me strength beyond what I ever thought possible. I'll update in November!