Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 25th - Chemotherapy Treatment #43

We made it to Thanksgiving! We drove up to Denver on Wednesday and had Thanksgiving with Charlie's family. It was so wonderful! What a beautiful day. No Black Friday shopping for us; we were up early for Peyton's treamtent. It went well and all his lab work looked great! Peyton has one more week of treatment and then we get to be home for 2 weeks! The MRI is scheduled next week so we'll have that first and then chemo. I'll admit, I've been really nervous but that just doesn't help things. I'll just continue to go through each day and pray all goes well.

November 18th - Chemotherapy Treatment #42

Another week of treatment done! Peyton's counts have looked really good and he's been feeling great! We like weeks like this! We are excited for Thanksgiving and a few days off from work. Can't wait.....

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 11th - Chemotherapy Treatment #41

Today was a long day at the hospital. We started the day with an eye appointment. Good news is Peyton's vision has remained stable from the last appointment! That's always great to hear! His near vison is much better than his distance vision. However, he must hold things very close to his eyes to be able to see it. At preschool the teachers are really great about enlarging all his work and making him wear his reading glasses. That seems to help. He'll always have some challenges visually but we hope it's never severe. His vision specialist is teaching him Braille. He's really having fun with that. We hope it never comes to the point where he has to use that all the time but it certainly can't hurt to learn it in case. We have our own machine and can practice at home. Kids really pick things like that up quickly and he teaches me most of the time!
After the eye appointment we went up for treatment. All went well and Peyton was excited to see Miss Pat again!
Not sure whether his MRI will be next week as originally scheduled or postponed to December 2nd. I can't help being nervous and would rather keep the appointment next week, but the doctors are having a scheduling conflict so we'll see.

October 28th - Chemotherapy Treatment #40

Today Peyton wanted to wear his Halloween costume to the hospital. He was a policeman. Everyone thought it was great! He told me, "Mom I bet everyone will think I'm a real policeman!" To which I replied, "Of course, honey!" He really enjoyed all the attention!
Treatment went great! He was sad that Miss Pat wasn't there to see his costume! Not sure where she was. We sure miss her when she's not there!
We will have November 4th off with no treatment and come back on November 11th. It's always exciting to have a Friday off from traveling and treatment!