Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 6th - Chemotherapy Treatment #28

Yay! Peyton just finished another 4 weeks of treatment and we get to spend 2 weeks at home without having to travel to Denver. I cannot put into words how much we absolutely love our weekends at home!!! It comes at a perfect time too, as I'm trying to wrap up the school year and Charlie is preparing for his fiscal year end at work. Whew......
All went great on Friday. I believe Peyton and his new nurse "Crazy Carol" (as she wants to be called) have officially bonded. It's been hard without Amy there each week but he's adjusting. He did run over and give Carol a hug after treatment on Friday and that was a first. He hadn't yet warmed up to her enough to do that. I think he's going to be fine with her after all.......
He's been lucky enough to get to spend some quality time with Ms. Pat (the creative arts therapist) at the hospital the last 2 weeks. He doesn't like to miss out on time with her. She's so wonderful, and he really enjoys visiting and playing with her.
Unfortunately Landon took a big fall on Friday and cut his lip. Our friends that watch him felt so badly about it. By the time we got over to their house his lip was really swollen and his nose had been bleeding but he was ok. He took a tumble out of their sliding glass door. I think he was used to the screen being closed and just tumbled right through. Those who know our little Landon know this is very typical for him. He's had bumps and bruises pretty much everywhere since the day he started walking! He's 150% boy! We don't get too worked up about it, but I do admit I worry about him because he doesn't seem to have too many fears. He thinks he's every bit as big as Peyton, and he's not yet 2!
We were excited to be home for Mother's Day and enjoyed spending the day with our family. It was a wonderful day!

April 29th - Chemotherapy Treatment #27

Friday was another long day for Peyton. We started the day with an eye appointment, and then he had chemo after that. These are typically guaranteed to be 7 hour+ days. But we did it and the eye appointment went really well. Peyton is a lot more cooperative now than he was a year ago. I think he's just familiar with the process, so he know what to expect.
Treatment went well this week. Doctors did another blood culture just to make sure he didn't have any kind of infections going on, and after our scare last week, I was happy about that. All the tests came up negative for infection so that was great! One more week and then he'll have 2 weeks off!